When I was a child, I had two slightly usual animals: a duck and a rabbit.
Now I have a dog called “Mono”, it’s lovely and very playful.
I think that the best pet is the dog, because as the people say it’s “your best friend” and it never leaves you if you treat it with love.
I had a friend who had a serpent of pet, I was afraid to visit him, because I'm a poofy.
I am totally in opposition to all kinds of abuses and experiments with animals, I think that this is an abuse to their rights, because they cannot defend themselves.
I think that the people who buy skins of animals should be flayed.
I have as three bites of dogs, but one was serious, in fact, they had to do points to me because I lost a piece of meat of my arm, still I have the scar. My scar is so cool.
I think that the dangerous dogs should walk with muzzle when they’re in the street.
I would like to be an eagle, to fly at liberty in the sky and occasionally bother the people.